If you are a part of a stage 5 to 7 movement in Africa or Asia, then the technology from The DMM Platform is made especially for you.
We made this technology to overcome 3 major roadblocks:
Hostility from families, communities or governments
No Reading
The majority of the world’s people groups have no written language. Communication is verbal and visual
Internet Poverty
Internet access is a scarce and expensive resource with over a billion experiencing Internet Poverty
This app is like a specialized Scripture and media delivery vehicle customized especially for your movement. Here is how it works…
Discover How The DMM Platform Fits Your Movement
As we talk and listen, we discover your
fruitful practices
major road blocks
ministry philosophy
Scripture use
security and technology needs
Then, we show you various examples and possibilities for the app to be configured for your people and place.
At the end of Discovery, you will receive a Launch Pilot Proposal covering our custom approach for your team to consider and decide.
Time: 2-3 Calls
Cost: Free
About the Launch Pilot
Our Launch Pilot is a chance to build relationship, do something new together and evaluate it. It creates momentum and puts us in a position to work well together for the long term.
An ideal pilot is 6 months and involves a site visit from The DMM Platform. By the end of the pilot, there should be evidence of objectives accomplished and selected indigenous leaders appointed and trained.
Also included in the Launch Pilot:
A Custom App Loaded with Your Network’s Media and Any Bibles Needed
This includes things like:
distribution options
security configurations
Scripture use formed around your fruitful practices
With your movement’s media and text and audio Bibles
Time: Typically 6 Months
Cost: There is a one time cost for the Launch Pilot based on goals, size and complexity.
We Engineer A Custom App
Load and Launch
Easily add your movement's media.
Select text, audio and video Bibles from our content library already processed to be easily used and shared in the movement growth cycle.
Time: about one month
Cost: this step is included in the one time $5,000 set up fee
Note: the set up fee includes a recommended site visit to your country before or during this phase.
Your Movement in the Driver’s Seat
You know the roads.
You lead the way. Together, we accomplish your goals.
Time: Ongoing
Cost: included as part of the recurring software as a service fee. Pricing is based on your movement’s size and needs which we’ll discuss during the discovery phase.
Deliver to Every Disciple on Any Device
Get your movement's essential media to every disciple so that each person receives and shares your movement's DNA.
No internet or outside hardware required.
We maintain, secure and enhance it
A professionally secured and maintained technology platform made especially for hard to reach places at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.
Time: Ongoing
Cost: Included as part of the recurring software as a service fee. Pricing is based on your movement’s size and needs which we’ll discuss during the discovery phase.
We maintain, secure and enhance it
We offer a professionally secured and maintained technology platform made especially for hard to reach places at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.
Time: Ongoing
Cost: included as part of the recurring software as a service fee. Pricing is based on your movement’s size and needs which we’ll discuss during the discovery phase.
Accelerate to the Next Language
Enter the acceleration phase with a goal of more than 5 languages per year or by using The DMM Platform for Bible translation.
This is a whole new phase with a different sort of tools, strategy and way of working together.
Our technology, resource library and relational network make it easier than you would imagine to go to the next language.
Time: Ongoing
Cost: Straightforward pricing at this stage is custom for each partner due to the unique needs, approaches and objectives of each client.
Frequently asked questions
It doesn’t matter if you use T4T, DBS, 4 Fields or something else.
Our technology is unique in that it facilitates infinite diversity. This means any method and any combination of media. -
1-3 people connected to a movement that is Stages 5-7 and aligned with our vision and approach to technology.
Learn more about the 7 Stages here.
Stages 1-4 are the best fit for The Greenhouse.
Stages 5-7 are the best fit for Orchards
One person in the Orchard will need to speak English to interact with us.
Someone on the Acts 6 Team who can use Excel and upload files to a service like Dropbox.